Friday, October 19, 2007

Every week, along with seeing patients in the clinic, we visit different pueblos surrounding Palacios. Last week, we saw over 300 patients and it was a good week to be busy because there was an amazing infectious disease doctor, a renal doctor, and a general medicine doctor with us. It's cool because I'm starting to recognize patients that we've treated and starting to build relationships them. This week we saw patients with scarlet fever, leishmaniasis, chagas, fungal infections, staph infections, and lots of parasites. Oh, and how could I we saw a lady with more than 100 larvae living in her ear. I'll show you pictures when I get home but will spare those who'd rather not see :-) It's crazy how much we take health care for granted in the US. We just got back from the clinic and I'm pretty tired, but God is good. Holla.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Let it Rain

It is a Seattle day in Bolivia and it´s so refreshing. At the end of winter, everyone burns their fields to cultivate the land. And it has been so smokey. Not to mention all the rainforest that is being burned by land hungry, not nice people. The government is taking away land from people unless they do something with it, which has triggered the destruction of miles and miles of Selva (rainforest). Humberto Parra (namesake of the clinic) burned down rainforest and on his death bed, sold the land for dirt cheap to Dr. Hou to build the clinic as an act of redemption. Now his own family is continuing to illegally burn down more rainforest around the clinic to plant sugar cane. Anyway, now that the rain has come people aren´t burning anymore. I hope they stop for good. Maybe I should strap myself to a tree.