Monday, January 28, 2008

We have some work to do...

Here's a map I came across. Check out the Joshua Project if you're inspired. Matthew 10:16-23

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, Evan Ainsley!

On January 3rd, Evan had her first birthday. It's so amazing to me how a little squirt can bring so much joy to so many people in so little time. What did we do without you?? I love you, Evan! Click here for a video my brother made of the littlest Myers.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I got the job!

I'm having kind of a rough time adjusting to life back in the US, but the transition will be a little easier with some purpose in my near future! I will be joining the dawg pound as I start out my nursing career at UW Med Center on their maternal/newborn/labor & delivery unit. It is really my dream job, even though it's going to be a huge learning curve at first. But I believe this is where God wants me right now. Oh, and if anyone needs a roommate, hollaatchagirl!