Friday, August 24, 2007

Jambo Sana!

Maasai Mara

Mom with baby Melissa

St. John's Clinic

As a kid, it was always my dream to go to Africa. I had all the countries memorized on GeoSafari (I think Kenya was #17), interpretive dances to every song from The Lion King, and dozens of books on African culture. I had to pinch myself when we landed in Nairobi as I pictured myself on the globe. God taught me more than I could have ever imagined about His servant's heart and His love for the forgotten. It was humbling to be a granule of salt in the shaker seasoning the community of Kodera. Thank you for your prayers; know that God is doing great things.

1 comment:

Carly said...

You're awesome, Gretch! So glad that you were able to go and I've loved hearing what God's doing in Africa and your life...
Can't wait to see the rest of your pictures, too.